For anyone suffering from dry mouth

Get Relief From Dry Mouth With A Deeply Penetrating, Natural Moisture Formula That Rehydrates Your Mouth In 15 Seconds And Keeps It Moist For Up To 12 Hours

Without the discomfort of harsh chemicals, the worry of added sugars or the irritation of artificial flavors

Made in the U.S.A
ZERO chemicals

NO sugar


ZERO negative side effects

INSTANT relief

Actually tastes GOOD!

NO medicine taste

Unique fast-acting formula

Protection against cavities and yeast infections

Hi, I'm Dr. Shane Cope

For over a decade I’ve specialized in Periodontics, Oral Medicine, and Orofacial Pain, and today, I want to share with you a couple of stories about why I started working on something special for people with dry mouth.

First, there was Cece, a lovely lady who came to my clinic. Cece had such a tough time with dry mouth. She always had a pocketful of hard candies, trying to get some moisture in her mouth. 

She'd tell me how her favorite foods just didn't taste the same anymore and how talking too much made her tongue feel rough and uncomfortable.

Then, there was my mom, Cheryl. 

She was always full of energy and loved chatting with everyone. But when she started having trouble with dry mouth, it really changed things for her. It was hard seeing her struggle to enjoy her morning coffee or talk with her friends without feeling discomfort.

Seeing what Cece and my mom went through really got me thinking.

Most of the stuff out there for dry mouth wasn't very helpful, and some of it was full of things you probably wouldn't want to use every day. Like toxic parabens and dangerous preservatives.

That's when I decided I had to do something about it.

I mixed up some really good, natural stuff like coconut oil, which is great for fighting off mouth germs, aloe vera, which is super for keeping your mouth moist, and xylitol, which is a kind of natural sugar that helps keep your teeth healthy.

That's how Dry Mouth Spray came to be. 

It's really easy to use, tastes pretty good, and most importantly, it actually helps with dry mouth. 

It's a little something I made to help bring back those simple joys, like enjoying a chat over a cup of coffee, without worrying about dry mouth.

The Real Story Behind OTHER Dry Mouth Solutions

Want to know what's really in those dry mouth remedies you see at the store? Let's break it down in simple terms.

What's Lurking in the Ingredients List:


You've probably heard about parabens. They keep products fresh longer, but they might irritate your skin and mess with your hormones. Not exactly what you want in your mouth, right?

Artificial Flavors and Colors

These make the products look and taste better, but some folks can have allergic reactions to them. Plus, they don’t do anything for your dry mouth.

Alcohol Contents

Now, alcohol in mouthwash might sound like it's cleaning your mouth, but guess what? It can actually make your mouth drier. Talk about going in circles!

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS)

This is a fancy name for a soap-like substance that can cause those pesky canker sores.

Those Annoying Side Effects:

Burning and Tingling

Ever felt a weird burning after using these products? That's not just you – many people experience that, and it's not pleasant.

Messing with Your Mouth's Good Bacteria

Your mouth has a delicate balance of good bacteria. Harsh chemicals can throw that off, leading to more dental problems. Not fun, right?

Using Too Much, Too Often

Because these fixes are short-lived, you might find yourself using them a lot, which means more exposure to all those chemicals.

The All Natural Solution vs. The OTHERS

Compare and see the clear difference: a nature-driven solution versus those everyday chemical band-aids.

What Dry Mouth Spray Can Do For YOU!

If the medications you’re using have a side effect of dry mouth...

We get it, those meds are important, but they can leave your mouth dehydrated, right? Well, Dry Mouth Spray is like a splash of cool water on a hot day. Just a few sprays, and you'll feel the relief wash over your mouth, making eating and chatting a whole lot easier.

If you just happen to have dry mouth, but you’re not really sure why...

Sometimes, dry mouth just happens, and it's baffling. But don't worry, Essential’s Dry Mouth Spray is your trusty sidekick here. A quick spritz and it's like turning on the moisture faucet in your mouth. 

If your dry mouth is caused by snoring or sleep apnea...

If snoring or sleep apnea is turning your mouth dry, Essential’s Dry Mouth Spray is your nighttime hero. It keeps your mouth comfortably moist, so you wake up feeling fresh, not parched. Say goodbye to that cotton-mouth morning feeling!

If you suffer from allergies and/or asthma...

If your allergy or asthma meds are drying you out, Essential’s Dry Mouth Spray is here to balance things out. It's like a gentle, moisturizing breeze, giving you that much-needed relief and making each breath a little easier.

If you’re currently going through cancer treatment...

We know it's tough, and dry mouth doesn't help. Essential’s Dry Mouth Spray is here to gently soothe your mouth with its all-natural, gentle formula. It's like a comforting hug for your mouth, helping you find some comfort during this challenging journey.

The Essence of Essential’s Dry Mouth Spray: Our Natural Mouth Rehydration Formula

After consulting thousands of patients and rigorously testing hundreds of natural ingredients and dosages, we crafted the groundbreaking Natural Mouth Rehydration Formula. 

This formula isn't just a mix of ingredients; it's a combination of nature's best secrets, that are scientifically proven to combat dry mouth effectively.

Each ingredient was chosen for its proven effectiveness and compatibility, ensuring a gentle yet powerful remedy for dry mouth.

Key Ingredients of Essential’s Dry Mouth Spray:

Aloe Vera

Known for its soothing properties, aloe vera is a hydration hero. Its gel contains over 75 active components, making it a powerhouse for oral health.

More science about Aloe Vera

Clinical studies have shown aloe vera's effectiveness in reducing mouth dryness, outperforming many conventional treatments. Its high water content and mucopolysaccharides work together to lock in moisture, keeping your mouth feeling refreshed and comfortable.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a dental care dynamo. It has remarkable antibacterial properties, reducing harmful oral bacteria by up to 90%.

More science about Coconut Oil

Studies have validated coconut oil's ability to significantly diminish oral pathogens, making it an essential component in fighting dry mouth and maintaining oral hygiene.


Unlike regular sugar, xylitol is a plant-based sweetener that fights cavity-causing bacteria and stimulates saliva production.

More science about Xylitol

Research has shown xylitol’s ability to reduce Streptococcus bacteria levels in plaque and saliva by up to 75%. It not only increases salivary flow for instant dry mouth relief but also helps in preventing tooth decay.

Aloe Vera

Known for its soothing properties, aloe vera is a hydration hero. Its gel contains over 75 active components, making it a powerhouse for oral health.

More science about Aloe Vera

Clinical studies have shown aloe vera's effectiveness in reducing mouth dryness, outperforming many conventional treatments. Its high water content and mucopolysaccharides work together to lock in moisture, keeping your mouth feeling refreshed and comfortable.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a dental care dynamo. It has remarkable antibacterial properties, reducing harmful oral bacteria by up to 90%.

More science about Coconut Oil

Studies have validated coconut oil's ability to significantly diminish oral pathogens, making it an essential component in fighting dry mouth and maintaining oral hygiene.


Unlike regular sugar, xylitol is a plant-based sweetener that fights cavity-causing bacteria and stimulates saliva production.

More science about Xylitol

Research has shown xylitol’s ability to reduce Streptococcus bacteria levels in plaque and saliva by up to 75%. It not only increases salivary flow for instant dry mouth relief but also helps in preventing tooth decay.

Additional Ingredients:


As a natural humectant, glycerin plays a crucial role in attracting and retaining moisture, thus effectively reducing the dryness of oral tissues.

Mentha Piperita (Peppermint) Oil & Mentha Spicata (Spearmint) Oil

These essential oils offer more than just a burst of freshness. Their natural antibacterial properties contribute significantly to a fresher breath and a cleaner feeling in the mouth.

Cannabis Sativa (Hemp) Seed Oil

Rich in omega fatty acids, hemp seed oil is included for its potential anti-inflammatory effects, promoting a more comfortable oral environment.

Mentha Arvensis (Menthol)

Menthol provides a cooling and soothing sensation, offering immediate comfort from the burning and irritation often associated with dry mouth.

Calcium Ascorbate

This form of Vitamin C is vital for gum health, aiding in collagen production and maintaining the integrity of oral tissues, crucial for a healthy mouth.


As a natural humectant, glycerin plays a crucial role in attracting and retaining moisture, thus effectively reducing the dryness of oral tissues.

Mentha Piperita (Peppermint) Oil & Mentha Spicata (Spearmint) Oil

These essential oils offer more than just a burst of freshness. Their natural antibacterial properties contribute significantly to a fresher breath and a cleaner feeling in the mouth.

Cannabis Sativa (Hemp) Seed Oil

Rich in omega fatty acids, hemp seed oil is included for its potential anti-inflammatory effects, promoting a more comfortable oral environment.

Mentha Arvensis (Menthol)

Menthol provides a cooling and soothing sensation, offering immediate comfort from the burning and irritation often associated with dry mouth.

Calcium Ascorbate

This form of Vitamin C is vital for gum health, aiding in collagen production and maintaining the integrity of oral tissues, crucial for a healthy mouth.


How It Works

Step 1: The First Spray

As soon as you spritz Essential’s Dry Mouth Spray into your mouth, the fine mist of our Natural Mouth Rehydration Formula begins its work. The spray evenly coats the inside of your mouth, touching every corner and crevice.

Step 2: Hydration and Soothing

The aloe vera and glycerin in the formula immediately start to hydrate your dry oral tissues. Their natural moisturizing properties soothe any irritation and provide a comforting, cooling effect.

Step 3: Stimulating Saliva Production

Xylitol, a key ingredient in Dry Mouth Spray, gets to work by naturally stimulating your saliva glands. This increase in saliva flow helps to further moisten your mouth and maintain a balanced environment.

Step 4: Antibacterial Action

Coconut oil, known for its antimicrobial properties, begins reducing harmful oral bacteria, while the peppermint and spearmint oils leave a fresh, clean feeling and help in maintaining good oral hygiene.

Step 5: Sustained Relief

As the natural ingredients continue to interact in your mouth, they provide prolonged relief from dryness. Unlike temporary solutions, Essential’s Dry Mouth Spray makes sure that your mouth stays moistened and comfortable for up to 12 hours.

Step 6: Overall Oral Health Improvement

With regular use, Essential’s Dry Mouth Spray not only relieves dry mouth but also contributes to overall oral health. Its ingredients work together to prevent tooth decay, reduce the risk of oral infections, and promote healthier gums and teeth.

How To Use Essential Sprays Dry Mouth Spray

Step 1: Shake & Wake

Give the bottle a quick shake to mix the natural ingredients. This activates our special formula, priming it for maximum effectiveness.

Step 2: Spritz

Aim and spritz 2-3 times inside your mouth. The fine mist evenly coats your oral cavity, delivering instant moisture and relief.

Step 3: Enjoy the Comfort

Feel the immediate soothing effect. The natural blend of aloe vera, coconut oil, and xylitol works to keep your mouth moisturized and fresh.

Mouth Watering Reviews

Your Three Choices: Hope, Settle, or Transform

1. The Waiting Game

You could do nothing and hope things get better. But dry mouth won't just magically improve, and ignoring it could lead to more discomfort and, yep, those dreaded expensive dental trips.

2. The Same Old Route

Then there's the option of trying other products out there. But most of these are packed with chemicals that provide a quick fix, yet potentially set you up for more oral health issues down the line.

3. A Fresh Start with Essentials

Lastly, there's Essential’s Dry Mouth Spray. It's not just about temporary relief; it's about nurturing your mouth's health with natural ingredients. No harsh chemicals, no burning sensations, just a soothing, refreshing experience.

1. The Waiting Game

You could do nothing and hope things get better. But dry mouth won't just magically improve, and ignoring it could lead to more discomfort and, yep, those dreaded expensive dental trips.

2. The Same Old Route

Then there's the option of trying other products out there. But most of these are packed with chemicals that provide a quick fix, yet potentially set you up for more oral health issues down the line.

3. A Fresh Start with Essentials

Lastly, there's Essential’s Dry Mouth Spray. It's not just about temporary relief; it's about nurturing your mouth's health with natural ingredients. No harsh chemicals, no burning sensations, just a soothing, refreshing experience.

Join THOUSANDS Of People Who Got Mouthwatering Relief

Great taste! My purpose for trying this product was that I have dry mouth during my sleeping hours I am a mouth breather and this product has exceeded my expectations very happy with results. - Pam Snyder

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Will this spray help me speak more comfortably?

Absolutely! Our spray helps to rehydrate your mouth, making it easier to speak without the discomfort of dryness.

Can I swallow easily after using the spray?

Yes, you can. The Natural Mouth Rehydration Formula aids in keeping your mouth moist, which should help with swallowing.

Will I still be able to taste my favorite foods?

Definitely! In fact, our spray can enhance your tasting experience by alleviating dry mouth, which often dulls taste sensations.

What does the spray taste like?

The spray has a mild mint flavor. It's designed to be pleasant and refreshing without overpowering your senses.

Is there any risk of the bottle leaking?

We've designed the bottle to be leak-proof, so you can carry it with you worry-free.

How long does the relief last?

Our formula is made to provide long-lasting relief. The duration can vary depending on individual needs, but it's designed to coat the mouth for extended moisture.

Can I use this spray at night before bed?

Yes, it's perfectly safe to use before bed to help keep your mouth moist overnight.

There’s excess liquid left in my mouth after spraying. Is it safe to swallow?

Yes, it's perfectly safe to swallow.

Will this spray help with bad breath caused by dry mouth?

Yes, by moisturizing the mouth, our spray can also help to reduce bad breath that is often a result of dryness.

Is the spray easy to use?

Very easy! Just a few quick sprays are all you need for immediate relief. The bottle is designed for convenient use anytime, anywhere.